Kelly Salzmann
Kelly joined the Legal Aid Justice Center as a consumer law attorney in 2019. Before LAJC, Kelly worked for the Social Security Administration as the Executive Director of the Office of Appellate Operations and as an Administrative Appeals Judge with the Appeals Council. Earlier in her legal career, she worked on community re-entry and juvenile justice issues for the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia and as a staff attorney primarily focused on public benefits with Harlem Legal Services in New York City. Prior to going to law school, Kelly volunteered as a labor organizer in the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico, and worked as a community outreach coordinator for a domestic violence shelter in Pennsylvania. Kelly is a co-author of “Internal Exile: Collateral Consequences of Conviction in Federal Laws and Regulations” (American Bar Association 2009). Kelly received her B.S. from the Pennsylvania State University and her law degree from the Drake University Law School where she was a public service scholar.