Our team works to end the criminalization of poverty in Virginia by exposing and addressing criminal legal system policies that target people because of poverty and race. Through a mix of community organizing, local and statewide policy advocacy, and litigation, our program intervenes at many points in the criminal legal system. Our campaigns range from initial law enforcement contact in the community, through the courts, to individuals’ confinement in Virginia’s jails and prisons, and finally to their reentry into the community.
We fight to:
- Eliminate unjustified law enforcement contact with people of color in the community;
- Ensure courts are fair for low-income people and people of color;
- Protect against harsh fines and fees levied by courts on poor people;
- Protect vulnerable people held in our jails and prisons; and
- Eliminate barriers to housing, jobs, and other sources of stability for low-income and people of color returning home from jail and prison.