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Virginia’s criminal and traffic systems impose hundreds of millions of dollars each year in court debt, a combination of assessments that includes everything from fines to fees for court-appointed attorneys to the empaneling of juries.  These systems disproportionately impact low-income people and people of color and drain resources from communities.

Legal Aid Justice Center does not directly handle criminal or traffic cases.  But the financial assessments made in such cases often impacts people for years beyond sentencing.  We work to reduce the impact and collateral consequences of that debt.

LAJC’s work has included:

  • Ending the Virginia law that suspended the driver’s licenses for unpaid court debt, which was unconstitutional, counterproductive, and devastating for hundreds of thousands of low-income drivers and their families;
  • Ending the Virginia law requiring incarceration for people driving on a suspended driver’s license, since many were suspended for unpaid court debt;
  • Passing a law requiring Virginia courts to publish court debt payment plan policies and authoring two reports highlighting how widely the policies vary and frequently fall fail to adequately consider poverty; and  
  • Pushing for a temporary moratorium on the collection of fines and fees in the COVID-19 era.

Want to know more about Criminal Court Debt and how It can affect you? 

Click on the links below to learn more:

Since our major success in our Drive Down the Debt campaign, which resulted in people no longer losing their licenses for unpaid court debt, we have been engaged in a series of listening sessions about court debt itself. We know that court debt is harming many people across the state and communities already bearing the heaviest burden of the criminal legal system. Since there are many parts of people’s lives that court debt affects, and different types of court debt, we embarked on these listening sessions to understand priorities for fines and fees reform identified by directly impacted people and communities.

If you or a loved one has been impacted by fines and fees from a court case we want to hear from you!

Have you ever had criminal or traffic debt that you struggled to pay? How did it affect your life? If you would like to tell us about your struggles with court debt and what you want to see change, please let us know by filling out the form below. Court fines and fees include the fines associated with a specific conviction and the costs courts charge for processing your criminal case.

Do you want to stay in touch with us about what we’re doing and how you can help?
Can we contact you to hear more about your story and your perspective?

If it’s okay for us to contact you or you want to subscribe to our fines and fees newsletter, please put your name and the best way to contact you:

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