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Rally at U.S. Customs and Border Protection


Contact Edgar Aranda-Yanoc

Legal Aid Justice Center will hold a rally demanding justice for Claudia Patricia Gómez González, and the end of the practice of separating children from their parents at the headquarters of U.S. Customs and Border Patrol at 1300 Pennsylvania Ave NEW, at 11am on Wednesday, May 30th.

On May 23, 2018, the use of excessive force by border patrol agents ended in the death of Claudia Patricia Gómez González.  She was coming to Alexandria, Virginia in search of a better life.  Instead she was killed. 

Meanwhile, our government is literally ripping children out of the arms of their mothers and locking them in separate cages.  The administration says it’s to discourage asylum seekers from coming to the U.S.  We say it’s inhumane.

Join us for a peaceful protest in front of CBP headquarters at 11am tomorrow.  We will gather on 14th St NW, between Pennsylvania and Constitution Ave to demand CBP end its use of excessive force, and demand the administration end the inhumane practice of separating children from their parents.  All are welcome.

Legal Aid Justice Center’s Immigrant Advocacy Program is at the forefront of the fight for the rights and fair treatment of immigrant children in Virginia.

We’ve handled over 150 cases of Central American unaccompanied minors applying for legal status so they can remain in the United States.

We’ve brought a lawsuit against ICE challenging their practice of detaining immigrants in remote detention centers across the country and bouncing them like pinballs from one detention center to the next, without taking their family status and the location of their children into account.  That lawsuit is currently pending.

This month we filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of an immigrant youth who was being held in detention, apart from his family, for nine months with no end date in sight and no clear path for his family to get him out of detention.  Rather than try to defend their actions and policies in court, the government released him two weeks after we filed the case

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