The Albemarle Board of Supervisors needs to hear from you about affordable housing!
We’re asking The Albemarle Board of Supervisors to support strategies to increase deeply affordable housing and address unmet needs in Albemarle County. These initiatives will advance equity, secure a strong work force, and strengthen the economy. Increasing affordable housing density will also help to implement the County’s Climate Action Plan by reducing residents’ commuting distances, connecting them to public transit, and reducing energy burden and usage.
Please email The Albemarle Board of Supervisors and let them know that you care! A broad coalition of groups signed this letter to the Board earlier this month. Here are points you might want to include in your email:
- Explain that you support the Affordable Housing Sign-on letter
- Share why you care, for example…
- Are you personally impacted by the shortage of affordable housing?
- Concerned that local workers can’t live near their jobs?
- Do you know adult children or elderly people who are not able to live in the area because of ballooning housing prices?
- Give your address if you are a resident of Albemarle County and/or explain your connections to the area.